Preparing for Easter or Passover: How to Ready Your Heart and Home

Ahhh Spring! I love all the fresh green grass, colorful flowers, and mild temperatures. Here in Texas, spring is a short season for us before the scorching heat of summer, so it's a favorite of mine. Fun Fact: My oldest son was born on Good Friday, and I brought him home on Easter Sunday. His nursery was decorated with bunnies, which worked out perfectly. Planning an Easter or Passover meal with family or friends is the perfect time to celebrate new beginnings and the resurrection of Jesus. Read on to prepare your home for a joyous celebration.

#1: Transform Your Tablescape with Our Tasteful Tips

At some point, your guests will probably be sitting at the table or filling their plates buffet-style here. This is the perfect time to either break out the formal china and crystal, fabric tablecloth and use your grandmother's teacups. If you are hosting a more casual, kid-friendly gathering, look for paper gingham napkins and fun, colorful plates and cups. Seasonal accents such as clear wide-mouth vases filled with shredded green paper and colorful Easter eggs are all you need for a centerpiece.

#2: Decorate & Delight with Our Intentional Ideas

I look for ways to decorate simply so that my home doesn't feel like an Easter Store or the seasonal department of a local Hobby Lobby. While a few things make a festive statement, decorating with too many accessories takes a lot of time and effort, which can make the host or hostess feel exhausted before the celebration begins. A simple door wreath and a pretty table is more than enough. Remember that guests won't remember everything that you've done, but they WILL remember how you made them feel. That's what is important.

#3: Prepare Purposefully with Our Professional Plans

When I host a gathering, we usually divide up the menu so that each person is responsible for part of the meal. Everyone contributes and there is less pressure on the host/hostess. I usually will provide the meat, rolls, and drinks. Then I send a list of the side dish and dessert ideas. Everyone signs up for something and then WOW, we have a feast! If you want to handle the entire meal on your own, I have two ideas for you. Here is a One-Hour Easter Dinner, or here are 32 Make-Ahead Recipes for Dinner. The main thing is to not wear yourself out so you will enjoy it as much as your guests.

My final tips are to make sure your house is clean and fresh-smelling and give people a job when they arrive. Jobs can include taking food to the kitchen, hanging bags and sweaters, putting ice in glasses, carrying out the trash when it gets full, hiding the Easter eggs at a certain time, watching the kids, stirring the gravy, making sure every dish has serving spoons, saying grace, etc.

If you would like some help breathing new life into your home this spring, please give me a call. I’d love to be of assistance!

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Until next time,


Shana Hutson

Shana offers e-design services for interior decorating clients anywhere virtually. Local services include home staging, color consultations, and holiday interior decorating in the Dallas/Fort Worth Texas metroplex.

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